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ThlDipSwitch VCL package 1.5

ThlDipSwitch VCL package 1.5

Screenshots of ThlDipSwitch VCL package

ThlDipSwitch VCL package Publisher's Description

The package contains two components: ThlDipSwitch, a single switch control, and ThlDipSwitchPanel, a configurable bank of switches.

ThlDipSwitch may for example be used to control on/off, open/closed or muted/unmutes states. To ease the work with many of those quantities use ThlDipSwitchPanel. Use it to switch on/off lights and machines, open/close doors and locks, or mute sound tracks in musical applications.

Both components are customizable in all colors, bevel styles, margins, etc..

The package comes with html help and detailed install/uninstall instructions.

For screenshots have a look at: Screenshots

Currently supported: C++Builder 5/6, Delphi 5/6/7/2005

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